There's only one thing more important than creativity. And that's effectiveness.
I am a big believer in not just relying on creativity for creativity’s sake. There must be, first and foremost, a focus on real problem-solving that leads to a measurable benefit to the client’s business. I get much more excited about efficacy than I do about puffery. With this comes an extreme focus on the job at hand and the ability to pull people together when the chips are down.
When it comes to my clients, I have a strong sense of duty. I am wholly motivated by their best interests, which means that I also don't shy away from having tough conversations with them. Great work comes from vigorously interrogating what has been put in front of you. You have to delve much deeper into what the real problems are, with a mind to uncover a solution with much more meaningful success.
I bring balance. You could call it a well-honed, judicious understanding of brand building, business objectives, and creative opportunity. It has come from having worked in every discipline including above-the-line, below-the-line, digital, experiential, retail, and more. It is an agility that has allowed me to succeed in foreign markets, regulated spaces, and everything in between.
Honesty. Integrity. Trust. These principles run very deeply in me. I believe they are the bedrock from which meaningful creativity and fruitful partnerships spring. This is true not only for building relationships with clients but with colleagues too. When those you work with know these pillars are immovable, they will go to the ends of the earth with you.